New Listings
- Lloyd Loar F5 #75312
- Gibson A #4666
- Gibson A4 #69217
- Lloyd Loar L5 #72268
- Gibson F5 #95361
- Gibson F5 #97391
- Gibson F5 #75688
- Gibson K5 #76711
- Lloyd Loar L5 #77391
- Lloyd Loar F5 #78775
- Gibson F4 #10933
- Gibson F4 #9098
- Gibson A4 #79273
- Lloyd Loar F5 #73672
- Lloyd Loar F5 #73004
- Gibson F4 #66824
- Gibson F4 #9979
- Gibson F4 #15838
- Gibson A4 #28674
- Gibson A4 #28674
- Lloyd Loar K5 #76713
- Gibson F4 #77508
- Lloyd Loar L5 #76709
- Gibson F5 #82934
- Wiens H5 #49
- Gibson F4 #70196
- Lloyd Loar F5 #73989
New Images
- Lloyd Loar L5 #77391
- Lloyd Loar F5 #72053
- Lloyd Loar F5 #76552
- Gibson K4 #76986
- Gibson F4 #82847
- Lloyd Loar F5 #76880
- Lloyd Loar F5 #75697
- Lloyd Loar F5 #73753
- Gibson F4 #66824
- Lloyd Loar F5 #75321
- Gibson F4 #77508
- Lloyd Loar F5 #73672
- Lloyd Loar H5 #76497
- Gibson TL4 #77293
- Lloyd Loar F5 #73989
- Lloyd Loar L5 #77394
- Gibson F5 #87365
- Lloyd Loar F5 #71837
- (no model) #1
- (no model) #DB-001
Gilchrist Updates
Over the coming days I'll be adding a number of Gilchrist instrument photos to the collections. Steve has sent me a collection of photographs from a wide variety of instruments he's built, focused on recent batches sold through Gruhn Guitar. As ever, I'm working to catch up on my backlog, and really appreciate all the submissions (and patience!) from all the submitters.
You can find updated images on the right-hand sidebar off the home page, just to the right of this text!
Nuggets & Dudes and a Word on Updates
After a fairly long dry spell, some updates for you all to see. Some gorgeous new instruments from Nugget & Lynn Dudenbostel, plus a few updates here & there to other Loars and Gibson mandolins. New material appears in the right-hand sidebar, or you can click the collections at the top of the page to see them all.
I've been slow to update this last year as many have noticed, due to a much busier work load at my day job. Please be patient with me and I will get all my submissions up- it's just a simple case of free time being in tight demand!